Cargo Chat Edition 17

Cargo Chat Edition 16
29 June 2018
Cargo Chat Edition 18
20 August 2018
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Edward - Flipper Hands

PetLounge has the honour of re-locating Edward Flipper Hands, a beautiful Sub-Antarctic fur seal from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, reports Natasha Willis, PetLounge Product manager Edward needed transport to Port Elizabeth's NSPCA approved Bayworld Oceanarium to prepare him for the freedom of the ocean again. During a storm, he had been washed up on the beach in Cape Town and separated from his mother. The NSPCA looked after the malnourished pup for four months, during which time staff had to coax him to eat. Reliance on human intervention carried the risk that as Edward has never learned to hunt for his own food he might be ill-equipped for survival. Fortunately, the NSPCA, Bayworld Oceanarium, The PetLoung and British Airways got together to find a solution. The would move Edward to Bayworld Oceanarium to benefit from the companionship of two other Sub-Antartic Seals who were being rehabilitated for return to their natural habitat. They will teach Edward to hunt and feed.

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