Cargo Chat Edition 21

Cargo Chat Edition 20
17 October 2018
Cargo Chat Edition 22
20 May 2019
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Partnerships are vital

The peak period will have been upon you by the time you receive this newsletter. Demand for express parcel services continues to grow, keeping us all on our toes. Meeting the requirements for speedy delivery of time-sensitive parcels securely and cost-effectively remains the challenge.That’s why partnership is so vital among service providers,customers, the authorities and strategic allies. In the case of BidAir Cargo, we are fortunate to sustain excellent relationships with partner airlines to provide same day express (SDX) and regional services. As mentioned before, we have invested further in additional capacity for our Overnight Express (ONX). ONX links all majorettes by air and is supported by road feeder services to extend the network. The short hand-in and hand-out times redesigned to offer our clients more time to manage customer collections and deliveries. This does mean that adherence tote timetable is vital to ensure that flights take-off on time

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